
In addition to the New York State Common Core Standards, the diocese sets guidelines for religious instruction on all grade levels.  The religious education program consists of three major elements:  instruction, worship and service as described below:

Presenting God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in such a manner that students will be open to love and celebrate their Creator, Redeemer and Life-giver.  Additionally, Catholic Church history, doctrine and morality are taught.

Teaching formal and spontaneous prayer, both individual and communal; creating liturgies and Para-liturgies; providing programs which foster a social conscience; participating in monthly Masses and special class Masses, quarterly penance services.

Providing programs and opportunities which foster a social conscience sensitive to the needs of all (academy, parish, community, world); teaching justice, mercy, and peace through the use of Scripture and the social documents of the Church; requiring service hours of Confirmation students.

The sacrament program is also an integral part of religious education.  Reconciliation and First Eucharist are received in the second grade.  The Confirmation ceremony is held in the fall of 8th grade if all requirements are met.  Sunday Mass attendance is imperative for all students, especially those in the sacrament programs.  It is recommended that parents attend Mass with the children each week, whether or not the children are in the sacrament program.

Parents are the primary teachers of the children in their religious formation, and it is your example and commitment to your Catholic faith and its practice that will impact your children’s faith development.  Please support the academy’s efforts by attending Mass and the sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis.

Immaculate Conception students performing Nativity featured in…